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Conversion Table: Conversion Minutes / Decimal / Industrial Minutes

Conversion Table: Minutes to Decimal

From the conversion table ‘Minutes to Decimal,’ you can easily determine how much, for example, 47 minutes would be in decimal notation.
The conversion table starts from 1 minute and goes up to 60 minutes

Conversion Table: Minutes to Decimal

Das Umrechnen von Industrieminuten ist nicht schwer. Industriestunden sind die Berechnungsgrundlage zur Erfassung der Arbeitszeit. Sie kennen bestimmt die Kommazahlen auf Ihrer Abrechnung von Dienstzeiten. Hier erfahren Sie mehr zum Umrechnen dieser.

Conversion Table: Minutes to Hours in Decimal Time

Converting regular time to industrial minutes.

On time or payroll sheets, working hours are often indicated in industrial minutes, as it makes calculations easier. Regular minutes are converted into decimal numbers – working hours are usually converted into industrial minutes. In case a calculator is not available…

  • The basis of this calculation is as follows: 1 hour = 100 industrial minutes = 1 industrial hour, and 20 minutes = 33 industrial minutes = 0.33 industrial hours.
  • There’s a simple formula for converting industrial hours you can work with: Regular hours + (Regular minutes / 60) = Industrial hours
  • For example: If your working time is 7 hours and 46 minutes, you can convert it using the formula like this: 7 + (46 / 60) = 7.77 industrial hours.

Decimal hours – What does that mean?

Decimal hours are a way of representing time, typically used for recording work hours that can be manipulated using standard arithmetic operations like addition and multiplication. For example, 15 minutes equate to 0.25 hours, and 30 minutes equate to 0.5 hours. With our calculator, you can easily convert regular time values into decimal hours. Simply input the hours and/or minutes into the corresponding field. Conversely, you can convert decimal hours into regular time values by entering the decimal value. You can only input either a regular time value or a decimal value at a time.

For work time conversion, you can use this Online Work Time Calculator for free!

What exactly is industrial time/decimal time?

Industrial time is primarily used to calculate and bill working hours. This can happen either internally within a company, for example, when employees’ working hours need to be allocated to specific projects. It can also occur externally, when a company or freelancer records worked hours to invoice them later. Time tracking also matters to employees and workers, especially when it comes to overtime.

The basic principle is quite simple and doesn’t really need further explanation: You simply look at the clock to record the start and end of work. The time span in between is the working time and is recorded.

To make this time tracking meaningful, there is industrial time. It allows for the representation of hours, minutes, and seconds in decimal format. This makes adding up the total working hours much easier.

What are the advantages of industrial time/decimal time?

If you’ve never heard of industrial time before but have tried to add up working hours, you probably know it can be highly complicated. That is unless you convert quarter-, three-quarter-, and half-hours into decimal numbers. For example, a quarter-hour or 15 minutes becomes 0.25 hours.

Industrial time is particularly used to make it easier to add up the minutes within an hour. Without decimal numbers, it would be much more difficult: 1 hour 35 minutes plus 1 hour 35 minutes isn’t 2 hours 70 minutes, but rather 3 hours and 10 minutes – because as we know, an hour has 60 minutes. Therefore, the minutes of an hour are converted into 100 industrial minutes.

Taking the example of 3 hours and 45 minutes of work time, this time can be expressed as 3.75 hours in industrial time. Half an hour corresponds to 0.5 industrial hours, and a quarter-hour to 0.25. By converting minutes into industrial time, work hours can be easily summarized using a calculator, an Excel file, or a digital time tracking system.

Thus, 3 hours and 15 minutes plus 2 hours and 30 minutes in regular time result in the calculation of 3.25 plus 2.5, totaling 5.75 industrial hours or 5 hours and 45 minutes of combined work time.

Convert hours to decimal time online | Convert decimal hours to time | Calculate working time: Industrial minutes

How many regular minutes are equivalent to an industrial hour?

The answer to this can be derived as follows:

If 1 Regular Hour = 1 Industrial Hour, and 1 Regular Hour = 60 regular minutes

Then 1 Industrial Hour = 60 regular minutes.

How many regular seconds are equivalent to an industrial minute?

This answer can also be easily derived:

1 Regular Hour = 100 Industrial Minutes

1 Regular Hour = 3,600 regular seconds

100 Industrial Minutes = 3,600 regular seconds. Therefore, 1 industrial minute = 36 regular seconds.

What is the smallest industrial minute?

Purely mathematically and depending on how many decimal places are used, any time can be represented in decimal numbers. However, for practical purposes, time tracking typically starts from 0.01 industrial hours – which corresponds to 36 seconds. Such time calculations make sense primarily in situations where working hours are digitally recorded, or as colloquially referred to, where time is “punched.”

For individuals manually recording their working hours by looking at the clock and entering the time into an Excel sheet or time tracking tool, they typically won’t record times less than 0.25 industrial minutes. This corresponds to a quarter of an hour.

Formula for converting minutes to hours as a decimal:

The formula for this is actually quite simple: Number of minutes divided by 60 equals the decimal number of hours.

Examples of converting minutes to hours:

  • 4 min / 60 = 0.07 hours
  • 10 min / 60 = 0.17 hours
  • 15 min / 60 = 0.25 hours
  • 21 min / 60 = 0.35 hours
  • 30 min / 60 = 0.5 hours
  • 38 min / 60 = 0.63 hours
  • 45 min / 60 = 0.75 hours
  • 55 min / 60 = 0.92 hours
  • 72 min / 60 = 1.2 hours
  • 89 min / 60 = 1.48 hours
  • 106 min / 60 = 1.77 hours
  • 123 min / 60 = 2.05 hours
  • 137 min / 60 = 2.28 hours
  • 140 min / 60 = 2.33 hours
  • 157 min / 60 = 2.62 hours
  • 174 min / 60 = 2.9 hours
  • 200 min / 60 = 3.33 hours
  • 588 min / 60 = 9.8 hours
  • 761 min / 60 = 12.68 hours

These conversions can be used to express the duration of activities or events in hours.

Nikita Bobrov

I am Nikita Bobrov and have been running this blog about Schufa and finances since 2009.
After completing my Master’s in Business Administration and additionally a B.Sc. in Computer Science, I made several moves between completely different countries and settled in Germany.
Germany is a country with complex legislation and a special love for paperwork and bureaucracy.
On the pages of this blog, the authors: Schufa Guide: Tips & Tricks, try to help you understand the document system in Germany and make life easier for ordinary people.

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